Note: If you do not see this text, please troubleshoot further. You should see a bold green heading: Congratulations. Uncomment it by deleting the “#” in the beginning. You can do this by manually editing the configuration file, which on Ubuntu is located at /etc/privoxy/config (will update with the windows location soon, but should be easily found in the program files for privoxy. It does NOT use TOR unless you tell it to. Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk.

On Windows… go to to download a suitable release. If you haven’t installed it, there is nothing to receive the connections. The port 8118 points to the Privoxy proxy. This means that while you installed TOR, you did not install Privoxy. Or Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections. You set your HTTP Proxy to 8118, Socks5 Proxy to 9050 and imagined that it would work, but it doesn’t. In these days of censorship concerns, increasing numbers of people are using TOR as a proxy and thus, increasing numbers of people are configuring their browsers wrong and going to the TOR check page only to realize that for all their proxy configurations, they either cannot see the page at all, or they see the result that they are not using TOR.